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Archive for the ‘MPs’ Category

The First Salvo – opinion and commentary

with 4 comments

Has anyone wondered why Sabah has waited till now to flex it’s muscles?

Nothing happens in a vacuum and I could be accused of being a conspiracy theorist for pointing this out. But…

  1. There has been a lot of talk in the ether about Anwar Ibrahim making trips to East Malaysia
  2. There has been speculation about foreign governments bankrolling him to buy over MPs
  3. There has also been a denial in the mainstream press and strong words from the establishment about MPs switching sides – let’s just say there’s no smoke without a fire
  4. There have also been rumours of meetings between Sabah and Sarawak warlords in Australia
  5. Anwar’s eligibility to contest is in 2 weeks time

And now this from The Sunday Star; “Sabah flexes Muscle; State Barisan leaders want more autonomy and Cabinet positions.”

I am sure that I’m not the first one to think of this but does anyone else think that this is the first salvo in the “cross over” of BN MPs in Sabah and Sarawak?

Here’s what I think;

  1. Sabah flexes muscles to extract concessions from the Federal Executive
  2. Pak Lah and cronies will have to say no to more outrageous demands and will try to placate with some carrots
  3. Sarawak will then say “hey, if Sabah gets some, we want more too.”
  4. Pak Lah will again have to backpedal and placate but will have to face stiff opposition from Peninsula politicians
  5. East Malaysian MPs will say “look, it’s just not enough, and we are doing this for our people. Our people demand that we ask for more and you’re not giving it. However, if we go with the opposition, we’ll get more of everything, so we need to move OVER.”
  6. End of story.

Things that make you go ‘hmmm…’

Written by dotmyhome

March 30, 2008 at 1:41 pm