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Archive for the ‘Voting’ Category

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

There was once this story that told of an evil empire headed by an evil and corrupt emperor who dominated their worlds through demagoguery, coercion and fear and how a ragtag bunch of rebels stood up and despite many disagreements between their “rebel alliance,” came together and gave hope to a suffering populace.

Anyone see the parallels? A bit romanticised for real life perhaps but… 😉

That story ended with the evil empire and emperor being fought and “A New Hope” was born.

That was Episode 3 of The Star Wars trilogy.

How do you think our story would end? The only difference is that the movie had a preordained ending. Ours is, I would say, more hopeful, as the future is surely in our hands. Each and every single one of us. 21 and over of course, AND registered as a voter. So go register now, those of you who haven’t!

Written by dotmyhome

March 30, 2008 at 12:11 pm