Dotmyhome’s Weblog

My 2 sen worth regarding my .my home. Is it even worth that? You be the judge.

About my .my home

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Welcome to my mind, for what it’s worth. It has been something that I’ve been toying with for sometime. By the way, this will be what they call, in the parlance, a “sticky post.” In other words, every time anyone visits, this will be the first post anyone sees. Scroll down for the new rants.

This is specifically for my two sen worth. And since I can be quite voluble, I think that my two sen will probably contain as many notes as Zimbabwean funny money. And possibly worth that much.

I write this not for self-aggrandizement or to be a pundit. I am certain that there will be people who will disagree with me. And some who will agree with me. I welcome all comments, bouquets and brickbats but I will moderate all comments before I publish them. I don’t want silly things published in my comments from people who may not have learnt to be constructive yet. ;-) But I need all my readers to realise that we CAN AGREE TO DISAGREE and still be fellow citizens who care very much what happens to our country. We all want what’s best and sometimes we are bound to have different points of view. But THAT’S OK!

More to the point, I write specifically to set my own thoughts on paper to test them out for myself AND to have others test them. A diamond will always remain in the rough if it isn’t cut and polished by continuous debate and discussion. And debate and discussion are preferable by far to parangs and bullets. Furthermore, I can hardly expect the level of discourse and debate to improve in this country if I don’t contribute in at least this small way.

I want to feel invested in the future of my country and I feel that people should always look for the hand of God in everything that happens. And to feel invested, it begins with me. To feel invested in good times AND in bad. Even if I contribute nothing more than a few words on a piece of paper or in cyberspace, maybe, just maybe, what I say and how I say it will cause someone, anyone, to think. And stand up to be counted for themselves.

All I can do as one person is to do whatever it is that I CAN do. In heartfelt sincerity. Not out of anger or fear or a desire to get “one-up” over my fellow man. But to say what I feel and articulate it as best as I can.

Gosh, as I’m rereading this, it sounds so earnest!

Anyway, for better or for worse, here it is. Dot My Home.

Written by dotmyhome

October 3, 2008 at 6:05 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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